
剧情 马来西亚 2020 

主演:导演:Anwardi Jamil 




《狮城之歌1958》由八戒电影网提供免费在线播放,《狮城之歌1958》导演:Anwardi Jamil ,《狮城之歌1958》主要演员:Fatin Afeefa Farah Ahmad 亨齐·安达拉斯 Chi Azim Shah Iskandar Amai Kamarudin Mubarak Majid Aprena Manrose Bell Ngasri Halim Sabir ,《狮城之歌1958》剧情介绍:Based on true events that happened in Singapore in April 1958. The studio workers of Shaw Brothers are on strike for better pay and to support workers who have been sacked, they organised a variety show to collect funds and donations. During the show, Malaysian film legend P Ramlee and his best friend Jamil Sulong wrote an iconic Raya song (Festival song) that is still sung today during the Raya Festival of Eid every year. Four other stories and sub-plots help the movie move forward.能看看和电影产业发达的国家比,这部电影几乎就是个学生作业,戏剧冲突的缺乏,主要人物的单薄,甚至布景的简单…都让它不如人意。虽说根据真实事件改编,但本身基础并不算差的一个失意者联盟寻求逆袭的故事,却拍的那么缺乏生趣,实在遗憾没怎么看懂……马来人的情怀片,讲述了超级明星比·南利在新加坡的一次著名演出。演出发生在开斋节,留下了一首著名歌曲。当时马来亚联合邦已经独立,而新加坡仍由英帝国统治,片中偶尔表现了当地马来人的民族主义情绪。影片很松散,内容时常突兀,为了解历史可以一看。Showtime 1958


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