Ann Forry ,《爱上你杀了你》主要演员:
埃曼妞·沃吉亚 Madison Smith Georgia Bradner Eva Day ,《爱上你杀了你》剧情介绍:A female project manager hires a young male intern, and when he starts staying late to help, they have a one-night stand. Embarrassed by the incident, she apologizes and breaks things off quickly, but the intern isn't ready to let go yet.比较无聊繁体字幕基本就是套公式编的本子,呵呵女主还挺漂亮,男主演技油腻浮夸,剧情非常老套,要不是女主的颜值,这电影就太一般了。2颗星最多了迷恋男主演技好尬。。