
喜剧 动作 科幻 动画 奇幻 冒险 欧美动漫 美国 2024 


《新忍者神龟》第07集由八戒电影网提供免费在线播放,《新忍者神龟》主要演员:布雷迪·诺恩 尼古拉斯·坎图 迈克·艾贝 小肖恩·布朗 阿尤·艾德维利 ,《新忍者神龟》剧情介绍:The ninja turtles are back! But with a TV show. When the Turtles get accepted as humans, and go to high school while being heroes, they are now being pressured Of Doing both things at the same time. With the OG villain of the 1987 TV show, the turtles also have to fight the Shredder.差rise太多,lgbt味越来越浓,幸好还有悟空小侠……四只乌龟vs机器人看看谁最厉害是吧,还有这个比巴博士也太丑了吧超过5岁不建议观看无聊…………青蛙吃猫真的笑死我


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