林海象 ,《陷阱1996》主要演员:
永濑正敏 南原清隆 杉本哲太 山口智子 夏川结衣 磨赤儿 佐野史郎 千石规子 马渕晴子 宍户锭 ,《陷阱1996》剧情介绍:"The third film in the series, The Trap, is an unusual beast. When the film opens our perpetually down-on-his-luck hero is actually on a bit of a roll. Business is booming, he’s got a new girlfriend, Akane has been accepted into college … he’s even upgrading his office equipment. Things couldn’t be better, right? Well, it wouldn’t be noir if things went well for Hama and the story takes a dark turn when a mysterious masked figure arrives in Hama’s office and asks Maiku to follow and find him. Thniking the visit a prank, Hama ignores it. But soon bodies begin to turn up throughout Yokohama and when one of the corpses has Hama’s fingerprints on it he soon finds himself on the run from the police while trying to unravel the mystery … The Trap is simultaneously the darkest and the lightest of the bunch. With its tale of serial killers and mental illness, not to mention some of Hama’s closest friends taking some serious damage, The Trap certainly has the grimmest storyline of the three films. But, on the other hand, it also features a masked villain straight out of low budget serials, a fantastic sequence in which Hama’s mentor – played as always by Jo Shishido – gets to rally the troops, and a little bit of spy gadgetry. The Trap tries to play it both ways and does a surprisingly good job of it. The dark elements ratchet the tension up while the lighter parts keep things hopping along." - Twitch Review试图拯救人们是一个陷阱。我为摆脱这个陷阱而自杀。你认为人们可以拯救别人的心灵吗?我们甚至不知道我们自己的心中有什么,又怎么能理解他人的心理?侦探作者电影,和林海象处女作的风格很想象,有一种古怪而和谐的复古感,他基本上是在一个现实社会中创造了一个别的世界,做到这样很难得,我看起来感觉很像江户川乱步那些小说,古怪、神秘、到处涌动着积极的情绪的旧。夏川结衣演哑女,难得的青春活泼的令人心疼。終於追完林海象的MIKE三部曲,感覺很棒。林海象似乎很喜歡用懷舊的手法去訴說「身世」。横滨三部曲之终结,带着诡异的隧道恋歌1080