玛娅·鲁道夫 亚当·斯科特 MJ·罗德里格斯 罗恩·芬奇斯 奈特·法松 乔尔·金·布斯特 斯蒂芬妮·斯泰尔斯 米根·费伊 安妮·斯泰德曼 奇普·齐纳里 吉安·弗朗哥·托尔迪 奥利维埃·马丁内斯 维克托·沃尔夫 洁基伯明翰 Albert Malafronte Elizabeth Thieme Elizabeth Thieme Cheryl Francis Harrington Michael Vargas Ana Rey Kimberly Wallis Jamila Allen Alex Elin Goyc ,《战利品第一季》剧情介绍:Maya Rudolph is Molly Novak, a billionaire ready to save the world. Loot premieres June 24 on Apple TV . After divorcing her husband of 20 years, Molly Novak must figure out what to do with her $87 billion settlement. She decides to reengage with her charitable foundation and reconnect with the real world—finding herself along the way. In addition to Rudolph, the Loot ensemble cast is led by stars Michaela Jaé Rodriguez (“Pose”), Ron Funches (“Undateable”), Nat Faxon (“Married”) and Joel Kim Booster (“Sunnyside”). Loot is created, written and executive produced by Yang and Hubbard. Rudolph executive produces, along with Natasha Lyonne and Danielle Renfrew Behrens, through their Animal Pictures. Dave Becky of 3 Arts also serves as executive producer. Loot is produced for Apple by Universal Television, a division of Universal Studio Group.苹果出品的电视剧至今观感依然不痛不痒,品牌气质这种东西真是要时间打造的,不是砸钱请大牌就能做出格调来。影射了贝索斯夫妇和比尔盖茨夫妇,但对女主的塑造还是有点扁平了。很轻松的午间剧。爱死mayaMaya Rudolph终于有机会(和愿意)独自扛起一部属于自己的喜剧,有钱、有闲、踏入中年的主角们开始崭新的“寻爱之旅”与开启人生第二章,已经格外老套。至多是她比《中年失恋日记》的NPH、《就这样…》和《离婚》的SJP要有趣些,使得任何格外的期待都最终变为一丝遗憾。请David Chang客串,更换层出不穷的妆造,从各大喜剧前来的黄金配角们…剧集的种种方面都和拿了高价和解金的“Molly”高调地宣扬我很有钱异曲同工;但却变得有些苍白。想要看到对慈善病象的讽刺,这里只有几个项目干巴巴的进行;想要看到与Bezos、Gates各种有意没意的照映,这里却只剩几个流行文化梗。它好笑、让人放松,却掩埋了更多可能性。这种剧也没啥剧情,就是轻轻松松围观一下富人顶级奢华的空虚生活。但美术是真的yyds,苹果是有啥统一的视觉师吗?为啥苹果出的剧颜色都很苹果……对了奉劝大家不要看盗版,因为这片的盗版文件把画质压缩到色彩完全失真,看着像国产电视剧一样low,去apple tv直接看