
喜剧 欧美 美国 美国 2005 


《威尔和格蕾丝第八季》第14集由八戒电影网提供免费在线播放,《威尔和格蕾丝第八季》导演:詹姆斯·伯罗斯 ,《威尔和格蕾丝第八季》主要演员:艾瑞克·麦柯马克 黛博拉·梅辛 梅根·莫拉莉 西恩·海耶斯 雪莉·莫里森 亚历克·鲍德温 ,《威尔和格蕾丝第八季》剧情介绍:Will & Grace are best friends. Will is a gay lawyer and Grace is a straight interior designer. They both live in New York. Grace is engaged to a real jerk, but when that relationship falls apart, she moves in with Will. This is only supposed to be until Grace finds a place of her own, but she and Will end up with each other as permanent roommates. Also in the cast are Jack, Will's flamboyant gay friend and Karen, Graces' secretary/assistant who doesn't really need to work because she married money several times.老实说Final的冲突点很做作,以至于我没有半点感动而言。我想我总是半途而废的原因就是我真的不喜欢说再见每次看到结尾都哭成傻逼。即便是will和grace,会把彼此的遗产留给对方,在有了各自的家庭以后,也会越来越疏远,直至变成通讯录里面的那个永远不会再提及,但又不会删掉的名字。竟然是這樣,相對平淡的結局。不及看friends時候那堆鑰匙來的傷感。似乎更加有種moving on的感覺。有長大的孩子們,有大家的笑容。追了這么久也結束了。相信么,一種叫destiny的東西?有生之年,没有错过这么精彩的一部剧!真是幸运。最后一集感动的稀里哗啦的!这样的友情又何尝不是爱情?!平心而论,这部剧无论是表演还是编剧都是很多喜剧无法比肩的!爱里面的每个角色,爱K姐的每句毒舌!直播集更是碉炸天,好顶赞!也就NBC喜欢这么玩,也就只有NBC敢这么玩,总之,此剧不可错过


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