山姆·伍德 ,《风流债》主要演员:
加里.库柏 特蕾莎.怀特 ,《风流债》剧情介绍:Cas Brown is about to marry for the second time; his first marriage, to Isabel, was annulled. But when he discovers that Isabel just had their baby, Cas kidnaps the infant to keep her from being adopted. Isabel's parents hunt for the child and discover that Cas and Isabel are still hopelessly in love. Written by由一个小婴儿引出的故事,重申了美国中产阶级主流价值观,家庭才是社会稳定的根基,一个无厘头大男人也因为这个小婴儿而长大。。。影片中依然出现了很多喜剧片老段子,看多了有些审美疲劳,尤其是加里.库柏在这些场景中毫无喜感木纳有余。。。3.5 台词不错,男性视角有点meh..整体还是蛮可爱的哈。把房子烧了真的笑死我【编剧之一是托马斯·米切尔?http://www.bilibili.com/video/av7363523/?from=search&seid=15422521279457382423笑不活了纯看coop卖萌故事节奏不好最后就匆匆收尾了,Coop这是拿着显微镜喂孩子呢2333