
剧情 爱情 泰剧 泰国 2022 


《孕爱奇迹》第03集由八戒电影网提供免费在线播放,《孕爱奇迹》主要演员:帕他勒彭·德浦沃拉侬 坦雅薇·淳哈萨瓦迪功 查亚鹏·本纳格 哉布安·海德婷 ,《孕爱奇迹》剧情介绍:After finding out about her surprise pregnancy, Janesuda was labeled as her lover, Atiruj's life-destroyer. Despite the taunts from the people around her lover, she tried to be patient and persevere to make her relationship work. However, love isn't always sweet. When she discovered that love was beginning to disappear for Atiruj, Janesuda decided to leave everything behind with a hurt heart. Atiruj continues to live his life mercilessly and with a cold heart. He believes that Janesuda had taken his family's money and gotten an abortion, and so he despises the ex-lover who ran away. Five years pass just like that, when one day Atiruj meets a small xiaokan.cc girl who calls Janesuda mummy. This revelation leaves Atiruj in shock... and then very angry. He can not tolerate the fact that Janesuda lied to him and took away his child for so long, so now he will try his best to take his child back and hurt the lover that had hurt him for so long.原本是当红明星的男主pheem与粉丝女孩因缘巧合,云雨欢愉一番后,怀上了孩子,然而阴差阳错,男主误以为女主狠心杀死了孩子并离开了他(其实女主生下了孩子并远赴国外)。男主独自经历一番阴霾后离开了娱乐圈,转投商圈。六年之后,商圈高管的男主阴差阳错偶遇上了女主,还有她身边那个的奇怪小女孩,于是一场孕爱之宝宝牵绊起的奇迹爱情故事开场了.....本来老土狗血带球跑剧情也能拍很有趣,但。。演的特别蠢就觉得这什么玩意儿啊两个不同cp属性的奶奶还有小女孩都好可爱无聊打发时间还得是他泰狗血剧,这种剧情也就泰国人演的下去,男主可以说是他泰追妻路最长的了,整整花了13集纯追妻,这点就很难得了,还没有强吻硬抱囚禁抡嘴巴子一系列名为追妻实为虐妻的操作只能说颜值很重要


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